Saturday, January 25, 2020

Effect of Feed on the Mineral Composition of Labeo Rohita

Effect of Feed on the Mineral Composition of Labeo Rohita Khalid Javed Iqbal*1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Arshad Javid2, Farzana Abbas1, Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman1, Fayyaz Rasool1, Noor Khan1 , Sumaira Abbas1 and Muhammad Altaf 2 ABSTRACT Studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of plant-fishmeal feed and/or plant by-product based feed on minerals composition of Labeo rohita. Fish fed on rice polish alone served as control (T0). Feed ingredients were grouped together with two ingredients in each test diet which served as an independent trial during these studies. Group 1(T1) contained guar meal and canola meal, group 2(T2) soybean meal and cotton seed meal, group 3(T3) guar meal and cotton seed meal, group 4(T4) soybean meal and canola meal and group 5(T5) fishmeal and canola meal. Each group including control had two replicates. 12 earthen ponds with uniform area of 0.03 ha each, were randomly stocked with 100 fish (average weight 200 g) in each following standard stocking protocols. All the 12 ponds were then randomly allotted to individual treatment including control group. Experimental fish were fed @ 4% of their wet biomass twice a day. Minerals specifically Na, Ca, Fe, Zn, and Cu significantly differed (Pâ ‰ ¤0.05) among treatments which might be linked with their variable release in digestive system of fish in the presence of various anti-nutritional factors. Key Words: fishmeal; soybean meal; canola meal; Ca; Na. INTRODUCTION Fish is rich in animal protein, low in cholesterol and high in unsaturated fatty acids (Kromhout et al., 1995; Zenebe et al., 1998a; Arts et al., 2001; Fawole et al., 2007) and due its these peculiar qualities is preferred over red meats (Sadiku and Oladimeji, 1991; Mozaffarian et al., 2003; Foran et al., 2005;). Nutritional quality of fish is however, not uniform and varies a lot among different fish species even within species when cultured under environments and different culture systems. Among herbivorous fish varieties Labeo rohita is preferred among consumers due to its typical taste and texture and among culturists due to growth, hardiness and wide range feeding habits. That is the reason that it is dominant fish in current fish cultural practices (Khan et al., 2004; Hussain et al., 2011; FAO, 2000; Chaudhuri et al., 1974). Other than nutritional competencies the fish is an important economic source, and its culture is rapidly growing not only in developing countries but in developed contraries too (Delgado et al., 2002; Louka et al., 2004). The success of fish culture depends on availability and selection of appropriate diets that are proficiently digested, are cost effective and provide the necessary nutrients for optimal growth (Mokolensang et al., 2003). Improvement and selection of appropriate feed ingredients has pronounced effect on the nutritional values, fish growth and its adjunct qualities (Shioya et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2011). Cost effective quality feed has pivotal role in fish production and has always been a constraint in the expansion of fish culture and in sustained development of aquaculture industry. It determines growth, flesh composition, especially lipid, mineral content of produced fish and ultimately market response (Izquierdo et al., 2003; Rasmussen, 2001). Among other nutrients minerals also has an important role and contribute to the growth of fish being an integral components of many enzymes involved metabolism (Glover and Hogstrand, 2002). Several minerals are required for proper development and normal execution of organism’s bodily functions as Ca is necessary element for the bone development (Erkan and Ozden, 2007) and Ca, Mg, Na and K, are involved in cellular metabolism which are usually found in higher quantities in biological tissues (Wagner and Boman, 2003). Zn is well known to be involved in most metabolic pathways in plants and animals (Hambidge, 2000). Copper, iron and manganese are essential for maintenance of normal growth and reproduction (Turkmen et al., 2005; Roy and Lall, 2006). Fish is a major source of Fe (Fraga, 2005) which is involved in blood synthesis in liver (Wagner and Boman, 2003), is an integral component of oxygen carrying protein from lungs to the tissues (Wagner and Boman, 2003; Camara et al., 20 05). Mn is required in minute quantities on daily basis for better health and growth in humans and its deficiency may result in nervous system disorder (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 2004). Keeping in view all the above mentioned concerns the present study is planned to find out the effect of plant-fishmeal feed and/or plant by-product based feed on minerals profile of Labeo rohita. MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimental site and study trials This three month study was conducted in earthen ponds of the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Ravi Campus Pattoki, using juvenile Labeo rohita as an experimental animal. Experimental design Studies were designed following Completely Randomized Design (CRD). There were 5 treatments and a control with two replicates in each group and whole trial was managed in 12 ponds. 100 juveniles of Labeo rohita having mean body weight of 200g were randomly stocked in each pond (0.03 ha) and then all these ponds were arbitrarily distributed among 5 treatments and a control. Five experimental diets pertaining to each treatment, by proportionate ratio of the two feed ingredients was maintained at 1:1 i.e. (T1) guar meal and canola meal, (T2) soybean meal and cotton seed meal, (T3) guar meal and cotton seed meal, (T4) soybean meal and canola meal, (T5) fishmeal and canola meal and a control diet (T0) i.e. rice polish with two replicates in each. Fish were regularly fed @ 4% of wet body weight twice a day. Proximate analysis Feed proximate analysis was analyzed by using Bà ¼chi NIR Technology (Bà ¼chi NIRFlex N-500) Feed were dried and finally ground in pestle and mortar and then placed in sampler cups. The cups were placed in Bà ¼chi NIR machine for two minutes which then displayed a complete proximate analysis report which was saved for future use (Table 1). Table 1 Proximate analysis of feed combinations Mineral analysis Well ground 0.5 g sample was taken in conical flask which 10 ml HNO3 was added in. Mixture was then boiled for 15 minutes at 60 0C and then 5 ml perchloric acid was added and boiled it again for another 15 minutes at 60 0C. Sample flask was then placed on hot plate and heated till sample volume reduced to 1 ml. This sample was diluted to 100 ml by addition of distilled water. Sodium (Na) and potassium (K) were measured by flame photometric method while calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and magnesium (Mg) were determined by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Statistical analysis The data generated during the course of this trial from various sources was analyzed by one way ANOVA using SAS software to determine the significance of various treatment groups. Difference among various means obtained from computation of treatment data sets was compared by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test to indentify the presence of variations. Probability level for these tests was fixed at P≠¤0.05. RESULTS Mineral composition of Labeo rohita showed statistically significant (P ≠¤ 0.05) differences in Na, Ca, Fe, Zn and Cu content while non-significant in K and Mg. Significantly higher Na (27.400 ±0.98 ppm) was observed in fish fed on T2 and the lowest (18.05 ±5.30 ppm) in T4, similarly significantly higher Ca content was observed in fish fed on T5 (14.245 ±0.09 ppm) while the lowest in T3 (10.515 ±0.09 ppm), significantly higher Fe content was recorded for fish fed on T5 (5.960 ±0.87 ppm) while the lowest in T4 (1.910 ±0.14 ppm), significantly higher (0.815 ±0.09 ppm) and lower (0.470 ±0.04 ppm) Zn contents were observed in T1 and T2. Higher Cu concentrations were recorded in fish fed on T3 (0.045 ±0.01 ppm) and lower in fish fed on T0 (0.015 ±0.01 ppm), higher values of K was observed on T2 (68.550 ±23.97 ppm) while lower for T3 (53.100 ±2.82 ppm), maximum Mg values were observed for T1 (3.270 ±0.11 ppm) and minimum for T2 (2.915 ±0.10 ppm) (Table -2). Table 2 Effect of feed on mineral composition of Labeo rohita DISCUSSION In present study mineral composition of Labeo rohita showed significant (P ≠¤ 0.05) variation in Na, Ca, Fe, Zn and Cu content in different treatments. Statistically significantly higher Na, Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu were observed in fish were observed in T2, T5, T5, T1, T3 while non-significantly higher K and Mg were observed in T2 and T1 respectively. Contrary to our study Khan et al. (2012) observed non-significant variations in mineral content in major carps reared in mono and polyculture systems. Similarly Luczynska et al. (2009) also observed non-significant differences in fishes having different feeding niches. During present study significantly higher Na was observed in fish fed T2 and lower in fish fed wit T4. Comparatively higher Na concentrations were observed in marine fish by Pirestani et al. (2009). Significantly higher Ca was observed in fish fed on T5 and lower for fish fed on T3. Our findings are in line with Babalola, et al. (2011) who observed significant variations in c oncentration of Ca among different commercial fish species of Nigeria. Significantly higher Fe content was observed in fish fed on T5 and lower in fish fed on T4 during present analysis. Mean Fe values were observed within the ranges given by Pirestani et al. (2009) in C. carpio. Babalola et al. (2011) observed non significant differences in Fe content among different commercial fishes of Nigeria. Significantly higher Zn was determined in fish fed with T1 while lower on T2 during present study. Contrary to our study Stezycka et al. (2003) observed higher Zn content in non-predatory fishes and marine fish species (Pirestani et al., 2009). During present study significantly higher Cu concentration was determined in fish, fed on T3 while lower for T0 diet. Contrary to our study Pirestani et al. (2009) observed higher Cu concentrations in fish collected from South Caspian Sea. During present analysis higher Mg concentrations were observed in fish fed on T1 while lower for T2 diets. Our findings confirm Babalola et al. (2011) who observed non-significant dif ferences in Mg content among different commercial fishes of Nigeria. Contrary to our observations Pirestani et al. (2009) found significantly higher Mg content in different commercial fishes of Nigeria. During present study higher K values were determined for fish fed on T2 while lower for T3. Contrary to our study significantly higher K contents were recorded in different commercial fishes of Nigeria (Pirestani et al. 2009), freshwater fish species (Achionye-Nzeh et al. 2011) and commercial fishes of Sudan (Mohamed et al. 2010). REFERENCES Achionye-Nzeh C. G., Adedoyin O. M., Oyebanji, S., and Mohammed M.O., 2011, Mineral composition of some marine and freshwater fishes. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America. 2(7): 1113-1116. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), 2004. 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Friday, January 17, 2020

Job Rotation Programs Essay

Job rotation programs are very enriching but require much energy from both the company implementing the program as well as the employees. Job rotation is the systematic movement of employees from job to job within an organization. Job rotation is a systematic career development strategy that moves employees laterally and offers customized assignments for specialized learning. Rotation assignment can run from six to eighteen months or longer. Employees who participate in job rotation programs develop a wide range of skills, and generally they are more adaptable to changes in jobs and careers and more engaged and satisfied with their jobs in comparison with workers who specialized in a single skill set or domain. † (Fiester, 2008) Participating in a job rotation program helps to prevent stagnation and job monotony as well as the opportunity to explore alternative career options within the organization. I participated in Chrysler’s Management Trainee program and I was able to work in four distinct areas of the Procurement and Supply. As a buyer, I was able to see just how everything comes together. I worked with engineers and sales teams and helped with cost cutting measures. I moved into the position of transit supervisor and worked with the trucking industry. That allowed me to get close to the Just-in-Time side of the business and working with drivers, plant schedules and winter weather problems. I then moved into the position of Supplier management and worked to help the suppliers with delivery issues. My last rotation was in the plant where I saw it all come together. In the plant, I actually saw the parts that I had ordered go onto the vehicle. I saw the process come full circle. My rotations allowed me to see how what I did as a buyer affected what happens in the plant. In the plant, I was constantly wondering why parts were being moved to Mexico. I understood the cost savings, but when you are waiting for a train to arrive or a truck that is stuck at the border – those decisions become quite a headache. Article in Relation to HRM Companies as a whole are looking for ways to not only bring in the best and the brightest, but they are also looking for ways to keep them. Job rotation programs allow companies to give employees options. If they can move around the company in a company sponsored program, they can see what sort of opportunities they like and would be best for their career aspirations. Recruiting can get expensive but it you can allow your employees the chance to see what their options are within the company, they are more likely to stay. A formalized rotation programs allows them to move around with looking like they are jumping from job to job. That does not look good. Sustaining interest in a single job is not always easy and could cause retention problems for companies. There is a downside to job rotations. If the employees enter the job and don’t have the skills necessary, then the work will often fall on the others within the department. Because there is a learning curve, and because the work has to get done, someone in the department will have to take up the slack and there may be some resistance or push back. (Jusko, 2011) Conclusion I would have to say that after participating in the job rotation program at Chrysler, I was a much better at each and every job after that.  When I was in a buying position, I was especially sure that I built in time to cross the border or as a delivery specialist, I discussed routing with suppliers. I would have to say that the most beneficial time I spent was at the plant. Every decision made from the design of the vehicle to the location of the supplier effects what happens as the assembly plant. It would be my suggestion that every person that has something to do with the manufacturing of anything rotate through the plant and get a feel for what the decision you make may mean down the line.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Types of Drugs - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 782 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/09/20 Category Medicine Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Drugs Essay Did you like this example? 1. This name describes the chemical structure of the drug and is generally not used due to its long and complicated name. Answer A a. Chemical Name b. Generic Name c. Official Name d. Trade Name 2. This name is established by the USAN (United States Adopted Names Council). Answer B a. Chemical Name b. Generic Name c. Official Name d. Trade Name 3. This name is â€Å"owned† by a drug company. Answer D a. Chemical Name b. Generic Name c. Official Name d. Trade Name 4. This name is what the medication is listed under in the USP/NF (United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary). Answer C a. Chemical Name b. Generic Name c. Official Name d. Trade Name 5. True or False: One drug may have several generic names. Answer B a. True b. False 6. True or False: The generic name is also known as the proprietary name. Answer B a. True b. False 7. True or False: The official name is not always the same as the generic name. Answer A a. True b. False 8. â€Å"(2S,5R,6R)-6-{[(2R)-2-a mino-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-acetyl]amino}-3,3-dimethyl-7-oxo-4-thia-1-azabicyclo[3. 2. 0]heptane-2-carboxylic acid† is what kind of name? Answer A a. Chemical Name b. Generic Name c. Official Name d. Trade Name . According to the text, â€Å"Amoxicillin capsules, tablets, chewable tablets and powder for oral suspension† is what kind of name? Answer E a. Chemical Name b. Generic Name c. Official Name d. Trade Name e. Official and Generic Name 10. According to www. medlineplus. gov, what are some brand or trade names for valproic acid? Answer E a. Depakote ® b. Depakene ® c. Dilantin ® d. Phenytek ® e. Answers A B f. Answers C D 11. According to www. medlineplus. gov, what is NOT an indication or use for valproic acid? Answer A a. Anorexia b. Headache prevention c. Bipolar disorder d. Seizures 2. According to www. medlineplus. gov, what which of the following is NOT a brand name for azithromycin? Answer B a. Zithromax ® b. Zithromax Quad Pack ® c. Zithromax Tri -Pak ® d. Zithromax Z-Pak ® e. All of the above 13. According to www. medlineplus. gov, which of the following would be an indication for azithromycin? Answer C a. Influenza b. Acne c. Upper respiratory track infections d. Topical treatment of skin infections 14. According to www. medlineplus. gov, levothyroxine may have the following trade or brand names EXCEPT: Answer C a. Synthroid ® b. Levoxyl ® c. Cytomel ® d. Unithroid ® 15. According to www. medlineplus. gov, which two medications are considered antibiotics? Answer D a. Levothyroxine and amoxicillin b. Azithromycin and atenolol c. Azithromycin and atorvastatin d. Amoxicillin and azithromycin 16. According to www. medlineplus. gov, a brand or trade name for atenolol is:Answer C a. Lopressor ® b. Toprol XL ® c. Tenormin ® d. Tenoretic ® 17. According to www. medlineplus. gov, the main indication for levothyroxine is: Answer A a. Treatment of low thyroid hormone b. Treatment of blood pressure c. Treatme nt of diabetes d. Treatment for weight loss 18. According to www. medlineplus. gov, which of the following is an indication for the use of atorvastatin? Answer F a. Treatment high cholesterol b. To reduce the risk of heart attack for those with, or at risk for, heart disease c. To reduce the risk of stroke for those with, or at risk for, heart disease d. To reduce the risk of diabetes e. All of the above except A f. All of the above except D 19. According to www. medlineplus. gov, the brand or trade name for atorvastatin is: Answer A a. Lipitor ® b. Crestor ® c. Zocor ® d. Pravachol ® 20. According to www. medlineplus. gov, which of the following is NOT a use for atenolol: Answer C a. Hypertension (high blood pressure) b. Angina (chest pain) c. Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) d. Improve survival after a heart attack 21. According to www. medlineplus. gov, which of the following is a brand or trade name for amoxicillin? Answer E a. Amoxil ® b. Augmentin ® c. Trimox ® d. Answers A B e. Answers A C 22. According to www. medlineplus. gov, amoxicillin may be used to treat bacterial infections such as: Answer E a. urinary tract infections . bronchitis c. gonorrhea d. skin infections e. all of the above 23. What are the two types of drug names that a pharmacy technician could typically see on a written prescription from a doctor? Answer C a. chemical or generic b. chemical or trade c. trade or generic d. official or chemical e. official or generic 24. True or False: There can only be one trade name for a medication. Answer B a. True b. False 25. True or False: The generic name is given to a drug by the manufacturer after the drug becomes officially recognized. Answer B a. True b. False Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Types of Drugs" essay for you Create order

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Integrating Sustainable Business Practices to an Organization

In today’s world of business the role of leadership team has been to integrate sustainable business practices into the organisations and ethics are key agenda items (Smart et al., 2010).Businesses can be tempted to make short-term gains by turning a blind eye to ethics that will lead to the loss of reputation (Barman et al.,2010). Thierry Pilenko said that â€Å"It is in the power of the leaders, stakeholders and employees to make sure that the ethics are the core values in order to maintain good reputation†. The ethics and the social responsibility are cooperative and a company that acknowledges the importance of sustaining the environment and the people involved makes good profit (Drotskie,2014,chap.5,p.92).The businesses that turned blind eye to ethics have faced the consequences of losing their reputation and remuneration, for example American gas Organisation took unethical decisions that left them being bankrupt (Drotskie,2014,chap.5,p.92).Makgoba stated that Sout h Africa has ethical dilemmas that results to the level of distrust for the government. DESCRIPTION OF ETHICS, VALUES AND SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS In business world it has become too easy to let small infractions slide by until they become big problems (Templeton,2010).Ethics have become the core values that guide the managers, stakeholders and employees how to behave in an ethical way and the values promote exemplary behaviour in all circumstances (Pilenko,p.4,2011).Reputation is a priceless asset that mostShow MoreRelatedSupply Chain Standards For Supply Chains1564 Words   |  7 Pagesmove a product or provide a service from a warehouse to store shelves or make information available to a customer, supply chain management needs solid facts on the day to day activity of the business from all partners in the supply chain. To save cost and deliver more goods to more destinations faster, a business and their suppliers must have a standardized supply chain to improve supply chain management. 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However, one trend that has been identified is an increased interest in sustainability and people who are becoming more aware of environmental and social issues. Consumers are increasingly considering factors involving sustainability into their purchasing decisions. Therefore, it seems reasonable to expect that the niche referred to asRead MoreEssay on Performance Measurement Systems in Business571 Words   |  3 PagesBusiness firms may seem to be similar, relying on guide of organizational models. However, in practice, all business is unique, functioning as a distinct arrangement of organizational models, designs and practices. Adoptation of any plan is all to support ‘’inimitable’’ business strategy. Performance measurement is critical in assessing organization overall performance and results are used for strategic planning to develop range of strategies (Tapinos Dyson, 2005) for achie vement of sustainable